Thursday, December 31, 2009


New Year is discernible as ending of preceding year and commencement of the next year. New Year Day i.e. 1st January is the first day of the new calendar year. This day is celebrated all over world with great ecstasy and fanaticism. When the timepiece strikes 12 on 31st December merriment initiate to welcome the New Year and leave behind the past. This is how human being carves up and plans their life one year after other and every year is a new beginning with future plans and resolutions.

January is first month of the year and was named after god Janus. Janus observed to have two faces one to look behind in the old year and other to look forward into the new year both at same time and that very moment is 1st January 12:00 AM.

Oldest celebrations for New Year started 4000 years ago in ancient Babylon. In the years around 2000 BC, the Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon (actually the first visible crescent) after the Vernal Equinox (first day of spring).

Earlier Roman calendar used to have just 10 months (surprisingly no January or February) and New Year starts from 1st of March. Roman calendar was tampered many a times before it settled down to 1st January as the New Year Day in 46 BC but there were 445 days in the previous year in order to synchronize this date.

New Year Celebrations:
New Year is one of the biggest festivals celebrated all over the world with elation and fervor. This festival is great example of unity in diversity as different countries have their own calendar for their own festivals but 1st January is common date to mark the beginning of New Year.

Fireworks are the biggest attraction and ingredient for celebrating New Year and it typically starts on 31st December and prolongs till early morning on 1st January. Next day starts with meeting family and friends and wishing them all the luck for New Year.

Most of the people instigate their carousing for the New Year by visiting their worship places to pray God for a better start in New Year and thanks for all the things he has blessed in the previous years.

New Year Resolutions:
Most fascinating part of the New Year is the New Year Resolutions. Individuals make resolutions to either get rid of their bad habits or to achieve their realistic dreams in the New Year. Some of the popular New Year Resolutions are:

· Quit Smoking
· Quit Drinking
· Loose Weight
· Gain Weight
· Manage Debt
· Save Money
· Spend more time with Family
· Reduce Stress
· Get Organized
· Reduce Stress

Here are some funny New Year Resolutions. Enjoy...

· Thinking of new excuses for taking leaves.
· This year definitely I complete the certification.
· I will not think about appraisal and rating.
· I will not switch job for money but for better role.
· Will not switch on my laptop as soon as I am home.
· Will not read forwarded funny mails
· I will not share my experiences on every topic.

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